Chalkboards is a two piece chiptune band from Austin, Texas, USA. Chalkboards is their new EP. Chalkboards play
a lush melodic brand of chiptune, finding the melody using two 1989
Gameboys and then filling out the sound with more "standard"
instruments. Chalkboards manage to conjure an atmosphere that is equal parts Air, Brian Eno, Anamanaguchi
and shoegaze indie rock. These songs have dual functions, you can put
your whole attention towards it and absorb every nook and cranny of what
Chalkboards is trying to do or you can let it receed into the
background and use it as ambient music floating in the background
providing atmosphere. There are definitely other instruments at use here
than just the Gameboys but everything else is shrouded in lovely
distortion and subsides into the background. Highlights include This
World Is Not Yours, Splitting The Room In Two, My Favorite Show Is On
The Television, The Sickets Kickflip You've Ever Seen, There's Twentytwo
Fireflies In My Jar and The World Belongs To Us. If you like your chiptune catchy and dreamy, Chalkboards` Chalkboards will serve well.