Much thanks to Andrew who besides from screaming and playing guitar in Lizards Have Personalities runs this awesome blog Sometimes our tastes don't match up as well as I'd like but he posts a lot of awesome music. I must thank him for turning me onto the awesomeness that is Best Friends!
They are a two piece punk band from Philadelphia and they play a really cool positive version of emo punk, accent on the punk. One dude drums, the other dude shouts/screams and plays guitar.
The album that really got my interest this morning is an almost all Nirvana cover album they did in 2008 called In Dudero. It's pretty awesome. The run through 7 Nirvana songs that I recognize and one that I don't.
It is interesting to hear these grungy rock songs put through a frantic filter by an energetic two pair of punks. They bring their positive energy and good time summoning punk rock to the powerful and emotional songs that Kurt wrote some twenty years ago.
I thought I had something more to say but apparently I don't. Enjoy the punk.