Monday, December 16, 2013

InVolucian - 2013 - Cementerio De Sueños

InVolucian is a three piece thrash metal  band from Marín, Pontevedra. Cementerio De Sueños is their new LP. Members of InVolucian have also played in Ratxa Mala and Mother Skull. InVolucian play a brand of thrash metal that has learned the right lessons from thrash metal and can head in a crossover direction. The album starts off in a more hardcore direction but by the time Intifada makes its riffy entrance the future course is clear. None of these songs overstay their welcome, they speed on by with riffs to spare. Highlights include Cualquiera, A Lo Bonzo, Kbron, Democracia De Que, Intifada, La Resignacion, Va Por Ti, Vacaciones En El Palomares and InVolucion. If you like your thrash speedy yet still melodic, InVolucion's Cementerio De Sueños will serve well. Link courtesy of Ruido