Careless is a five piece screamo band from Stockholm, Sweden. I Wish You Away is their debut LP. Careless formed in 2012 and play an intense, yet catchy brand of post-rock inflected screamo. The singer has a desperate shout that can be either intense or about to fall apart while the guitars move fluidly between raging chaos, a little twinkling picking and straight ahead screamo. There is a comparison to be made here to bands like Todos Caeran and Book Of Caverns. Those Calgary based bands add post-rock into their modern screamo sound which only makes things more epic, it allows the songs to truly spiral out of control. These songs know how to put desperation and rage to great use, climbing to even greater heights of catharsis. Highlights include: Mirror Kintsukuroi, Jag kan inte drömma som dig, Pale As China and Faslsy Yours. Careless has crafted an excellent debut LP with I Wish You Away, they have their sound and know how to do it well. Highly recommended,